Grę podsunął użytkownik Ari911

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Ęţşľ .Ą Mystic3Text java/lang/Object junk Ljava/lang/String; <init> ()V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this
LMystic3Text; getOutput (I)Ljava/lang/String; Nuclear Collapse Fists brass knuckles
steel fist e-shock fist knife sword " battle sword $ laser sword &
9mm pistol (
Baretta M9 * Desert Eagle , Colt 6520 . MP9 0 Magnum 2 M60 4 AK-47 6 laser gun 8
plasma gun : minigun < M79 lauchner > Gau 17 @ M240 B Bazooka D
laser minigun F plasma launcher H normal J improved L high-precision N penetrating P flawless R perfect T nothing V leather jacket X
leather armor Z kevlar suit \ metal armor ^ titanium armor ` e-protection armor b e-fusion armor d e-profusion armor f leather cap h
metall helmet j t-hybrid helmet l e-protection helmet n gloves p
metall gloves r
hybrid gloves t e-protection gloves v
leather boots x metall boots z titanium boots | e-protection boots ~ hardened € heavy ‚ feathery „ green † blue ˆ red Š silver Ś gold Ž platinum � electric ’ pugilism ”
thrustings – pistols ˜
heavy guns š
explosives ś
open locks ž demolish technics ˘ gut animals ¤ medicine ¦ toughness ¨ fitness Ş
psi attack ¬ attack ® damage ° % bullets ˛
hit points ´ stamina ¶
protection ¸ lasser protection ş defence Ľ ammo ľ 9mm Ŕ .44 Â 10mm Ä 7.62mm Ć 40mm Č 60mm Ę E-cell Ě P-cell Î single shot Đ precise shot Ň snapshot Ô burst Ö auto Ř medikit Ú steroids Ü key Ţ arrow ŕ runestone â energy cell ä dynamite ć crowbar č rat skin ę spider skin ě claw î tentacle đ rat teeth ň poison fang ô water bottle ö supply crate ř
blonde wig ú
pink dress ü grains ţ reactor core
virus disc hoarding keycard goldcard Hello my friend! How are you? †Trading in this mine colony is not easy. It is difficult to acquire valueable items. For some of my stuff i have risked my own life. MI dont know why i should trade with you... You have done nothing for me yet. UTo be more precise, you dont need to help me, but my mate Mike here needs something. 6You better ask him. He is standing right next to you. ąVery kind that you ask, because you can really do something for me. I am looking for my blonde wig. I must have lost it in the cave below, when i had to flee from a mutated giant rat. Sorry, but I wont tell you. (Seriously, thats none of your business. "I am not in the mood to tell you. Good for you. Me too. HFantastc. Would you be so kind as to try to look for my pink dress now? `Yikes, my pink dress is dirty now. Hmm. Ok, but never mind, at least you brought it back to me. What do you want to imply? " I am a pretty girl $ Will you trade with me? & How can i help you? ( What shall i do for him? * 4Your friend here mentioned that you need something? , +Sure thing. I ll find you your blonde wig. . -What do you want to do with the blonde wing? 0 Ah, cmon. Please tell me! 2 $I wont tell others, if you tell me. 4 I am as silent as the grave. 6 #Ok, i ll find you your pink dress. 8 =A pink dress? What the heck -- you wont wear that, will you? : I have found your blonde wig. < I have found your pink dress. > Pretty few women down here... @ Ehm... Nothing. B Will you NOW trade with me? D Is this embarrassing for you? F LIf we can not harvest the required ammount, we wont get food for many days. H WSome of us already tried to break out, but we all failed to take down the force field. J mWith dynamite you can blast everything. If i only had some, i would blow this damn force field back to hell. L kTake care of the mutated giant rats. If you should see one: fight for your life or run as fast as you can. N BI cannot even remember the day, when i saw the sun the last time. P @Mike and his friend Gerd are two strange guys, but i dont mind. R Oh man. You are the best! T >Hey friend. Can you render yourself useful and help me quick? V ƒIn the lockers of the southern storage room you will find 6 bottles of water. Can you please hand them out to the working diggers? X CYou are a real ambitious guy. Are you interested in a special job? Z ”One level below are sill some supply crates. Unfortunately the food in the crates has attracted the giant rats. And now we cannot reach the crates. \ †Right. It should be 10 crates. But please be careful with the giant rats. I dont want to loose another valueable man to these beasts. ^ ĽYou need this key here. When you go straight north through our quarter, you ll find a small passage to the east. Walk through it and you ll find a small locked shelter with a ladder down. ` ”Man, you are as valueable as gold. As a small reward I could give you $100 cash or i could give you something that a guard lost here some time ago. b Not at the moment. Thank you. d What shall I do? f Sure, i will do this. h .I have handed out the bottles to the diggers. j !Special job? Sounds interesting. l 8And i shall recover these crates and bring them to you? n Where do i find the crates? p 8Ok, give me the key. I ll try to bring the crates back. r @I have found the crates. But i wont go down there a 2nd time... t ,I hate surprises, but i ll take that thing. v -Give me $100. I am just a bit short on cash. x Do you want a bottle of water? z „What a mess. I have been cowering in this dirty dark hole for 5 years. And i am always digging, digging and digging. Day after day. | vI was a big game hunter. I gut animals and take their skins, teeth and claws. You can sell these things pretty good. ~ ASorry, boy. But you are not experienced enough to learn from me. € ŹPit your strength against wild or evil creatures. Every slain creature will give you a bit of experience. And soon you will be ready to learn. ‚ ŢYou will find a small passage down at the diggers in the northwestern area. Take the ladder down and you will come to a cave with a lots of mutated giant rats. If you want to become more experienced, you need to go there. „ (What was your job before you came here? † Can you teach me something? ˆ #How can i become more experienced? Š #But how shall i do this down here? Ś "Am i experienced enough to learn? Ž �I have trained the toughest squadrons in the whole army and now i am cowering in this stupid hole and digging all day. This is so embarrassing. � =I have been trained for all kinds of combat. I was the best. ’ )Sure, if you could do me a little favor. ” aMy clothes are nearly torn up. I need something like rat skins to patch the holes in my clothes. – ™Four skins should be enough. And you can find more rats down here than you can count. This should not be a problem, if you know how to take their skins. ˜ EYou are from heaven, man! If you still need training: i am your man. š You were trainer in the army? ś Can you train me? ž What do you need? How many skins do you need? ˘ )I have four rat skins. Still interested? ¤ Lets practise! ¦ IWhat??? Oh man, you scared me. I just thought that the guards caught me. ¨ *I am trying to fix this old pump station. Ş ŻThe whole area is flooded with water. Among others things our old quarter is flooded too. There are still many valueable things in the lockers, which we cannot reach anymore. ¬ .In principle yes, but there are two problems. ® mThe first Problem is, that the storage is occupied by giant rats. I havnt seen such big rats down here ever. ° RThe second problem is, that the water pump can only hold the water for 6 minutes. ˛ vAfter the 6 minutes the water will return and flood the area and if you are still out there, you will probably drown. ´ |At your own risk. If the water returns, i will activate the force field at once: whether if you are still out there or not. ¶
Hurry up! ¸ That was close. ş What are you doing here? Ľ Why are you doing that? ľ %Is the pump station working already? Ŕ What are the problems? Â And the second problem? Ä What happens after 6 minutes? Ć 5Please start the pump station. I am going out there. Č "Stop talking, start the engine... Ę Slave, go back to work. Ě -Slave, move on or i will have to punish you. Î Stop bothering me, slave. Đ What? What do you call me? Ň Are you tired of life or what? Ô
Hey, retard! Ö I called you a retard, retard. Ř (So what? Come here and you ll get some! Ú Never mind. Ü +I have watched you, how you stared at her. Ţ vMy daughter. But forget whatever you are thinking of: As long as you dont marry her, you keep your hands to yourself. ŕ {I know guys like you. You only want one thing from a girl. But my little girl will stay a virgin till someone marries her. â NOk, i dare to believe you. But if you are serious, you have to pay the dowry. ä 2For ridiculous $5,000 you ll recieve my blessing. ć XWelcome in my family. Go to your wife and let yourself get spoiled for a while, my son. č
Piss off. ę Who are you talking about? ě 'And what if i would like to marry her? î *Ah, come on. For 50 bucks i am in, right? đ #I am serious: I need to marry her! ň 'So, who is building your time machine? ô What do you expect as dowry? ö >That can not be that much. Remember that she is already used. ř +Ehm, ok. I am trying to obtain that money. ú .Are there no cheaper bitches in this village? ü !Take the $5,000. Now lets marry. ţ >Hey sweetheart. Intersted in getting to know me a bit closer? ,You are a real hot guy. I hope you like me. AWhen i look at you, i ll get in the mood for some swinishnesses. NDont come back home so late. And take the trash can with you, when you leave. bYou are a lazy no-good. Do you have any other skills except doing nothing, drinking and gambling? @I should have listened to my father. You are a complete looser. KYou spend no time with me. Sometimes i feel that you dont love me anymore. wThis rat infestation is getting worse every day. Just yesterday i got attacked by a horde of rats in the grain fields. ^Yes and first of all, because the bags of grain are still lying there without any protection. NI am not afraid of the rats, but i can not go out there because of my injury. —That would be excellent. The grain fields are just straight out of the city to the east. 10 bags of grain should be enough. Would you do that for me? /Well done. Choose one of these as your reward. 2You seem to have a big problem with these beasts? 1And I suppose you dont want to go there anymore? "Shall i collect the bags for you? Sure, i am on my way. Here are your bags. I ll take $500. " I ll take this machine gun. $ I ll take these energy cells. & Stop! Friend or foe? ( ˛Well, but we need to be sure, that you are not under the control of the alien overlords. With this little device we can scan your brain and check if you have a free will. Ready? * ™We are the resistance. We are free people living here together without any control from the aliens. And we are always looking for talented new recruits. , jThe procedure is a bit painful, but we wont let you in, until you pass the test. We dont need a spy here. . =Ok, you are clean. You can go in. Welcome to the resistance. 0 Behave. 2 Dont make any trouble here. 4 You are the new one, arent you? 6 Friend... i suppose? 8
Who are you? : Do i have to pass this test? < MOk, start the scan, but if it hurts badly, i am going to hurt you badly too. > Isnt she beautiful? @ oThis strange thing, as you call it, is probably the last spaceship which is still in the possesion of mankind. B eUnfortunately not. If we want to use it, we will need four reactor cores for a better energy output. D †Every functional settlement and every bunker uses reactor cores. But i dont think that anyone will give you such a thing voluntarily. F ]I know of two settlements and one bunker close to us, but they are all very heavily guarded. H gI gonna mark this 3 locations on your map. But i have no idea where you could find a 4th reactor core. J ?Fantastic. Right now I am starting to assemble it to the ship. L xFantastic. We are actually ready for take off. I was so sure, that you couldnt get them all. Man, you are the greatest. N "This strange thing infront of us? P So, can it fly? R Where can i find reactor cores? T "Where can i find these locations? V MI ll take care of the guards. Please show me where i can find the locations. X =I have found a reactor core! Please assemble it to the ship. Z :Welcome, young friend. I am the leader of the resistance. \ [You are right. We are planing something very great, that can give us all back our freedom. ^ HRight. Because of that it is so important to kill the root of all evil. ` dWe have positive information, that there is only one alien spaceship left in the orbit over earth. b XNo, but we are planing to infiltrate a virus into the computer system of the spaceship. d jThe ship cannot send any more signals to earth and the psi link between aliens and humans will be broken. f “Right, but we have two problems at the moment. Our ship is not ready to fly and our scientist, who should have programmed the virus, was captured. h °The scientist was carried off to a military base in the northwest. I havent seen such a heavily guarded building like that ever before. Nearly impossible to get him out there. j dYou d better talk about that with our rocket scientist. He is standing right out there by the ship. l EThis is good news. I feel that we have come much closer to our goal. n „Dont let us waste more time. Out best man shall fly to the alien spaceship now and infiltrate the virus into their computer system. p RYou are our best man. You just need this keycard here to start the ship computer. r KWhy do you call yourself the resistance? Do you plan to attack the aliens? t bYou can not fight against all aliens and their psi controlled slaves. There are too many of them. v What is the root of all evil? x >But you dont have the weapons to destroy such a ship, do you? z FJust in case this works: What will happen after you disable the ship? | .And all people will get back their free will? ~ +Where did they carry the scientist off to? € &And what is wrong with the spaceship? ‚ Ok, i take a closer look at it. „ $The spaceship is ready to take off. † I have obtained the virus. ˆ Who is our best man? Š !Give me the keycard. I am ready. Ś NRats, rats, rats. Everywhere in the sewers, rats are contaminating the water. Ž OYes, please. Take this key to the sewer and free us from this rat infestation. � hI am sorry i dont have a reward for you. But at least you will be able to drink much better water soon. ’ $Shall i take a look at the problem? ” 3Sure, give me the key. I ll take care of the rats. – GThe rats are dead. This was a hard piece of work, if you understand... ˜ The new ones have arrived. š dDiggers for the mines. They came here by plane yesterday and soon they all will labor in the mines. ś {They are beeing held captive in a transfer station in the northeast. If we try to free them there, we might have a chance. ž uThe cages of the slaves are well secured. You will have to blast or picklock the doors, if you want to free someone. OThen stop wasting precious time. Watch out for the guards who secure the area. ˘ jNow i know that i can trust you. Bring these crates with hoarding to our new settlement in the northwest. ¤ *Yes, we are building a new, safer settlement. We had too many visitors here lately. Tell John, the foreman, that i have sent you. Maybe you can give him a helping hand too. ¦ Oh my god. Dont hurt me!¨ Are you my executioner?Ş I will never see the sun again. ¬ What are you talking about? ® Where are these people now? ° I could check the station. ˛ I am skilled in those things. ´ I have freed all slaves. ¶ New settlement? ¸ You are free. Quick, run away! ş NWe cannot carry on without new hoardings. I am so angry I could cry out load. Ľ †I ll take care of the construction site of our new settlement, but we can not build up anything permanent without a protective fence. ľ vAnimals. Wild creatures that sneaked into our storage and took most of our stuff, including two packages of hoarding. Ŕ ¤They must have their den somewhere near. Maybe to the south or to the east. And maybe we still have a crate with hoarding in the old settlement, but i am not sure. Â ZI need at least two packages. But it would be best, if you could bring me three packages. Ä 7Very nice. Take this as compensation for your efforts. Ć ÜOutstanding. Our camp is much safer now. I think that we need at least one reactor core less than before. I ll give you the one that we dont need any longer. It would be best, if you bring it back to the old settlement. Č EWow. You are a really tough guy. Choose one of these as your reward. Ę "What happened with your hoarding? Ě 0Where do you think they brought all this stuff? Î +How many packages of boarding do you need? Đ Ok, let me see what i can do. Ň I have found the first package. Ô I have found another package. Ö I have found the last package. Ř I ll take $1000. Ú I ll take the bazooka. Ü Finally you are here. Ţ YWe have no time for talking. I have finished programming the virus. Here take this disc. ŕ qI must. There is a nano bomb in my head that will explode when i move more than 30 feet away from this terminal. â *Yes, a professional medic probably could. ä JNooooooooo. You dont know jack about medcine. You re gonna kill us both. ć *I am afraid. Maybe we should not do that. č .Good. It seems, that you are a skilled medic. ę qFantastic. Quick, lets go. Meet me afterwards at our settlement. I can teach you something amazing, if you want. ě ŞDuring my imprisonment, i learned a lot about this so called psi control. I know how you can use the power of the psi control as someone who is resistant to its effects. î ŐIf you have a high intellectual ability, you can gather the energies and harm, stun and even kill all humans and aliens, which are empathic. This even works for a range of several feet and more than one creature. đ Have you been expecting me? ň $You dont want to stay here, do you? ô Is this bomb not removeable? ö 7Ok, hold still. I m gonna operate this one out of you. ř Ok, i d better leave it there. ú )Say Hello to Mr. scalpel ... here we go! ü Interesting. Tell me more! ţ %Please share your knowledge with me! )I hope you proceed well with your quest. Bye. 4Level of energy too low for starting the spaceship. >Please insert keycard to activate the start of the spaceship. 3Please insert goldcard to activate the escape pod. Computer terminal ready. ƒSelfdestruction sequence initiated. Countdown: T-10 minutes. Please move to the escape pods immediately. Security doors activated. _Selfdestruction sequence running. We wish you a nice day and thank you for choosing alpha tec. .Insert keycard and fly to the alien spaceship )Insert keycard and fly back to the camp. ,Insert goldcard to flee from the spaceship. Transfer virus to the computer. REverytime you try to use explosives, open a lock or disable a reactor, you need to prove your skill in a minigame. Try to press key 5 when the selected moving bars are as low as possible. If you can do this 5 times in a row without getting your energy bar to zero, you succeed. Your used energy will be removed from your current stamina. ‡You are exhausted and your stamina is low. Wait some seconds or use steroids from your inventory (press 5) to regenerate your stamina. ŔYou are seriously wounded and your hit points are low. Use a medikit from your inventory (press 5) or choose, while you are not in a combat, the first aid skill from the action menu (press 3) ’To perform an attack with a ranged weapon, press key 1 to select an enemy. Select an attackmode with keys 4 and 6. Confirm the attack with key 5. " ®To perform a close combat attack, move in the direction of your chosen enemy and hold the key. The attack will be continued as long as you hold the key or the enemy is dead. $ ‹You receive 6 skill points every time you advance to the next experience level. Try to find someone who trains your skills and attributes. & Increases damage and attack rating of pugilism weapons. At a higher skill level you ll get extra attacks and gain a chance to stun an enemy. Requires strength. ( ·Increases damage and attack rating of thrusting weapons like dagger or swords. At a higher skill level you have a chance to hit critically to inflict more damage. Requires dexterity. * ¬Increases damage and attack rating of pistols and small machine guns. At a higher skill level you have a chance to hit critical to inflict more damage. Requires dexterity. , ¤Increases damage and attack rating of big machine guns and rocket launchers. At a higher skill level you can aim targets from a larger distance. Requires strength. . BEnables the player to blast doors and force fields with dynamite. 0 1Enables the player to picklock doors and chests. 2 •Enables the player to break locks on doors and chests and grants the skill to disable generators by force. You need a crowbar to perform this skill. 4 Enables the player to disable generators. At a higher skill level you can disable nearby hostile robots on computer terminals. 6 DYou have a chance to loot skins, claws and teeth from slain beasts. 8 ƒIncreases the skill first aid and improves the healing effect of medikits. At a higher skill level you can also heal other people. : oYour wounds heal faster and you recieve extra hit points and a tougher skin which reduces the damage you take. < zExhausted stamina recovers faster and the restoration effect of steroids is improved. You also recieve additonal stamina. > ”An impulse from your brain damages, stuns or kills all surrounding empathic humans and aliens. A great skill, that probably nobody can teach you... @ µYou require strength to carry heavy weapons and to become a better boxer. Demolishing doors, chests and generators also requires strength. Strong people have a few more hit points. B ëYou require dexterity for using thrusting weapons, pistols and small machine guns. Using dynamite for opening doors and force fields or picklocking doors and chest require dexterity too. Dexterous people can avoid attacks more easily. D ¤You require a good constitution for wearing heavy armor. It increases your stamina and your hit points and is needed for training the fitness and toughness skills. F żYou require intelligence if you want to learn about medicine or technics. People say there is a chance that some intelligent people might have ability to understand the art of psi attacks... H $J EPL levelN heals life: P heals stamina: R
-- back --T - buy -V - sell -X trainZ set in\ info^
equip with` buyb selld unlockedf lockedh emptyj nothing to do herel
skill too lown open doorp
open chestr force fieldt reactorv missx out of ammoz
no enemy near| inventory full~ no weapon selected€ reload...‚ opens doors„
quest item†
when insertedˆ trading itemŠ free slotŚ defenseŽ protection from fire� preotection’ req.” strength– dexterity˜ constitutionš intelligenceś TPž training points use now˘ use never¤ at 10% hit points¦ at 25% hit points¨ at 50% hit pointsŞ at 10% stamina¬ at 25% stamina® at 50% stamina°
reload weapon˛ first aid´ map¶ quest log¸ - options -ş CharacterĽ loadľ saveŔ control quit gameÄ confirmĆ skillsČ slotĘ new gameĚ soundÎ onĐ offŇ easyÔ hardÖ nightmareŘ
difficultyÚ helpÜ world mapŢ^Move your hero with the arrow keys of your mobile phone or the keys 2,4,6,8. Key 5 opens the inventory for changing your equipment, using items and to open the options menu. Key 3 opens the action menu. To perform an attack with a ranged weapon, press key 1 to select an enemy. Select an attackmode with keys 4 and 6. Confirm the attack with key 5. ŕ story â press 5 to continueä
game speedć invertedč fastę please wait...ě you are dead...î
resting...đ more...ň continueô selectö successř failureú tryü inventoryţ actions no dynamite
no crowbar
better not... Details sacrifice need-to-know sell all ˇI have to flee from this mine colony. Dynamite must be somewhere which i could use to blast the force field. After that i need to find a safe route to the exit. yI should head north. According to my map, the hideout of the rebels must be there. Maybe i should speak to their leader. XI need to fix the spaceship and try to get the virus disc from the displaced scientist. \I must find a computer terminal, where i can transfer the virus into their computer system. `I promised to bring all 6 diggers some water. I can find water bottles in the southern storage. ’They gave me a key to a small shelter where i can find a ladder down to a deeper cave. I need to find 10 supply crates there and bring them back. EMike wants me to do some jobs for him, before he will trade with me. _I shall find a blonde wig for the friend of Mike. What the heck does he need a blonde wig for? ;This guy wants me to find his pink dress. This is weird... \I may return when i am more experienced to learn from a big game hunter how to gut animals. " PThe former army trainer wants me to bring him 4 rat skins, before he trains me. $ ?I need to assemble 4 reactor cores to the spaceship to fix it. & [The grain fields are straight to the west. I shall bring him 10 bags of grains from there. ( kI promised to take care of the rat infestation in the sewer. I have already recieved the key to the sewer. * eThere is a transfer station for slaves in the northwest. I need to go there and free all the slaves. , `I shall bring John the hoarding which they gave me. I ll find him northwest of this settlement. . HJohn the foreman needs three hoardings to secure the construction site. 0 UI need to persuade the father with $5000, if i want to marry his beautiful daughter. 2 HI shall talk to the freed scientist, when he is back in the settlement. 4 ‰Earth in the year 2039: Humans were defeated after the loss of the great intergalactial war and alien overlords took control over earth. 6 wThe will of the people who survived the war, was taken over by psi control, to let them serve as their aboulic slaves. 8 *A small bunch of people, who are immune to the psi control, were resettled to the bowels of the earth, where they work in colonies to dig for minerals. You are one of them. : ËAfter five long years in the colony, you find a piece of a map, which shows you something, that could look like a small hideout of other free thinking people. You decide to break out and find this camp. < vYou leave the colony through a long dark support tunnel. This is the first time you look at the sun after five years. > •You start the engines and after a few hours, you float with your fixed spaceship next to the alien mothership. The fate of mankind is in your hands. @ �The alien mothership bursts into millions of pieces. The time of control is over and the humans are starting to free themselves. B ‚Only a few days later, the enfeebled aliens were defeated. Freedom has returned, but nobody knows for how long this will last... D pugilism weaponF e-pugilism weaponH thrusting weaponJ e-thrusting weaponL pistolN small machine gunP heavy machine gunR rocket launcherT shotsV + attackX + damageZ in %\ chance to^ stun` rangeb hitcombosd critf crit.damageh skillj + staminal disarmn robotsp firstr aidt usev medikitsx healz people| faster~ recovery€ steel‚ skin„ + more† mentalˆ chanceŠ to killŚ animalsŽ remove� claws’ tear” teeth– N˜ Sš Wś Ež nr I
SourceFile StackMap !
LMystic3Text; getOutput (I)Ljava/lang/String; Nuclear Collapse Fists brass knuckles
steel fist e-shock fist knife sword " battle sword $ laser sword &
9mm pistol (
Baretta M9 * Desert Eagle , Colt 6520 . MP9 0 Magnum 2 M60 4 AK-47 6 laser gun 8
plasma gun : minigun < M79 lauchner > Gau 17 @ M240 B Bazooka D
laser minigun F plasma launcher H normal J improved L high-precision N penetrating P flawless R perfect T nothing V leather jacket X
LMystic3Text; getOutput (I)Ljava/lang/String; Nuklearny Upadek Pięści Kastety
Mocne pięści Uderzenie pięścią N[COLOR=Red]ó[/COLOR]ż Miecz " Miecz Bitewny $ Laserowy Miecz &
9mm pistolet (
Baretta M9 * Zostawiona Moneta , Colt 6520 . MP9 0 Magnum 2 M60 4 AK-47 6 laserowt pistolet 8
plazmowy pistolet : minigan < M79 lauchner > Gau 17 @ M240 B Bazooka D
laserowy minigan F plazmowy launcher H normalny J ulepszony L wys[COLOR=Red]o[/COLOR]ka-precyzja N przenikliwe P bez błędów R perfekcyjny T nic V sk[COLOR=Red]ó[/COLOR]rzana kurtka X
leather armor Z kevlar suit \ metal armor ^ titanium armor ` e-protection armor b e-fusion armor d e-profusion armor f leather cap h
metall helmet j t-hybrid helmet l e-protection helmet n gloves p
metall gloves r
hybrid gloves t e-protection gloves v
leather boots x metall boots z titanium boots | e-protection boots ~ hardened € heavy ‚ feathery „ green † blue ˆ red Š silver Ś gold Ž platinum � electric ’ pugilism ”
thrustings – pistols ˜
heavy guns š
skórzany pancerz Z kevlar kostium \ metalowy pancerz ^ tytanowy pancerz ` Pancerz obronny b e-łączący pancerz d e-bogaty pancerz f sk[COLOR=Red]ó[/COLOR]rzana czapka h
metalowy hełm j t-śr[COLOR=Red]e[/COLOR]dni hełm l hełm obronny n rękawiczki p
metalowe rękawiczki r
średnie rękawiczki t rękawice obronne v
skórzane buty x metalowe buty z tytanowe buty | buty obronne ~ Przestępca € ciężki ‚ [B]feathery[/B] „ zielony † niebieski ˆ czerwony Š sre[COLOR=Red]r[/COLOR]bny Ś złoty Ž platynowy � elektroniczny ’ bokserski ”
[B]thrustings[/B] – pistolet ˜ ciężka broń š
Ostatnio edytowany przez moderatora:
jeden mały aczkolwiek rażący błąd
Uderzenie pięścią Nuż Miecz
to jest mniej więcej na początku i tutaj raczej chodzi o NÓŻ
T nic V skurzana kurtka
pod koniec tego samego "kodu"
SKÓRZANA nie skurzana ;)
skurzana czapka h
to samo ;)
Wiem ogólnie mam problemy z ortografią (Dyslektyk) dlatego używam Filefoxa z wykrawarką ale przy długich tekstach nie wykrywa ich tak... :/
heavy guns š
explosives ś
open locks ž demolish technics ˘ gut animals ¤ medicine ¦ toughness ¨ fitness Ş
psi attack ¬ attack ® damage ° % bullets ˛
hit points ´ stamina ¶
protection ¸ lasser protection ş defence Ľ ammo ľ 9mm Ŕ .44 Â 10mm Ä 7.62mm Ć 40mm Č 60mm Ę E-cell Ě P-cell Î single shot Đ precise shot Ň snapshot Ô burst Ö auto Ř medikit Ú steroids Ü key Ţ arrow ŕ runestone â energy cell ä dynamite ć crowbar č rat skin ę spider skin ě claw î tentacle đ rat teeth ň poison fang ô water bottle ö supply crate ř
blonde wig ú
pink dress ü grains ţ reactor core
virus disc hoarding keycard goldcard Hello my friend! How are you?
eksplozja ś
otwórz zamek ž niszczyć techniczny ˘ gut zwierzęta ¤ medycyna ¦ wytrzymałość ¨ odpowiedzialność Ş
psi atak ¬ atak ® uszkodzony ° % dżeć ˛
uderzyć napuj ´ wytrwałość ¶
Zabezpieczenie ¸ laserowe zabezpieczenie ş obrona Ľ amunicja ľ 9mm Ŕ .44 Â 10mm Ä 7.62mm Ć 40mm Č 60mm Ę E-cell Ě P-dzwoń Î pojedynczy szczał Đ precyzyjny szczał Ň fotografia Ô pęknięcie Ö auto Ř medikit Ú sterydy Ü klucz Ţ szczała ŕ kamienna runa â energia komórki ä dynamit ć łom č Ubranie szczura ę ubranie pająka ě pazur î macka đ rat zęby ň trucizna fang ô woda butelka ö dostawa skrzynia ř
blond peruka ú
różowy dress ü grains ţ reaktor jądrowy
virus dysk tablicy klucz-karta złota-karta Cześć moi przyjaciele! gdzie wy jesteście?
To nie jest całę zdanie bo one jest cholernie długie...
 †Trading in this mine colony is not easy. It is difficult to acquire valueable items. For some of my stuff i have risked my own life. MI dont know why i should trade with you... You have done nothing for me yet. UTo be more precise, you dont need to help me, but my mate Mike here needs something. 6You better ask him. He is standing right next to you. ąVery kind that you ask, because you can really do something for me. I am looking for my blonde wig. I must have lost it in the cave below, when i had to flee from a mutated giant rat. Sorry, but I wont tell you. (Seriously, thats none of your business. "I am not in the mood to tell you. Good for you. Me too. HFantastc. Would you be so kind as to try to look for my pink dress now? `Yikes, my pink dress is dirty now. Hmm. Ok, but never mind, at least you brought it back to me. What do you want to imply? " I am a pretty girl $ Will you trade with me? & How can i help you? ( What shall i do for him? * 4Your friend here mentioned that you need something? , +Sure thing. I ll find you your blonde wig. .
 †Handel tą moją kolonią nie jest prosty. To jest trudne kupować valueable. Dla pewnej ilości mojej materii mojego własnego życia. Ja znam zasady dlaczego powinnienem handlować z tobą ... Ty nie zrobiłeś nic dla mnie jeszcze . UTo jest bardzej precyzyjny,twoje zasady zaopatrzenia pomogą mi, ale mój łącznik Mike tutaj potrzebuje czegoś. 6Ty lepiej proś jego. On stoi naprawo następnie ty . ąBardzo uprzejmnie pytasz, dlatego że ty możesz rzeczywiście zrobi coś dla mnie . Szukam mojej bląd peruki. zgubiłem ją w dziurze poniżej, kiedy musiałem uciekać od zmutowanego gigantycznego szczura. Przepraszam, ale przywiązany byłem mówie ci
. (Ponieważ, to nie twój interes. "Niejestem w nastroju żeby ci mówić. Lepiej dla ciebie. Ja też. HFantastc. Teraz ty proszę spróbój znaleść moje różowy dress teraz ? `Tak, mój różowe dress jest teraz brudny. Hmm. Ok, Ale nigdy nie pamiętam, jest za mały ty brought to wróć do mnie. Co ty chcesz mi dać do zrozumienia? "jestem ładną dziewczyną $ Pochandlujesz ze mną? & Ja może pomoge ci? ( Co będziesz robił dla niego ? * 4Twój przyjaciel tutaj wspominał ze potrzebujesz czegoś ? , +Pewnna rzecz . JA znalazłem 11 twoje twoich bląd peruk. .
Ostatnio edytowany:
napuj -> napój
szczał -> strz
szczała -> strzała
dżeć -> drz
moogę być korektorem ale rozumiem cię bo takie "nuż" przez "u" jest poprawne ale znaczy co innego i wcale nie chodzi o "nóż" a raczej "a nuż" :P
w grze z linka w 1 poście nie idzie zrobić polskich znaków.. tłumaczenie będzie bardzo pracochłonne bo tekst jest zakodowany.

Jedyne wyjście jakie widzę, to EditPad Pro + WinRar:

1. Grę .jar otwieramy winrarem,
2. Przeciągamy pliczek Mystic3Text.class do jakiegoś folderu,
3. Otwieramy plik z langiem programem EditPad Pro
4. Tłumaczymy. Jeśli nowa fraza jest dłuższa od starej należy zmienić ilość znaków przed tą frazą.


5. Zapisujemy plik,
6. Przerzucamy z powrotem do gry otwartej w winrarze
7. Otwieramy grę sjBoy'em 2 by sprawdzić czy wszystko działa. (sjBoy 1 nie pozwala na otwieranie gier w rozdzielczości 240x320)

W grze fonty tylko z literami angielskimi, zauważyłem pliczek zeichensatz_ul.png w którym są 4 niemieckie litery, które ewentualnie można by edytować, lecz i tak polskich jest więcej (ę, ą, ó, ź, ż, ł, ś, ć...).

Mój Mystic3Text.class (edytowane tylko menu)

Ostatnio edytowany:
Właśnie przetłumaczyłem tą grę na język polski, jeżeli ktoś byłby zainteresowany wstawieniem jej tutaj proszę o kontakt ;)
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