1. Insert unaccepted sim to phone.
2. Input *2767*3855# and phone will reboot and will be temporarily unlocked.
3. Input *7465625*638*00000000*00000000#
4. Input #7465625*638*00000000#
5. Input *#7465625# to check the locks....all locks should now be inactive as shown below:
network lock - inactive
subset lock - inactive
sp lock - inactive
cp lock - inactive
sim lock - inactive
activa lock - inactive
phone lock - inactive
auto network - inactive
auto subset lock - inactive
auto sp lock - inactive
auto cp lock - inactive
auto sim lock - inactive
Testowane na :
T209, T309, T509, T809, X100, X495, X660, D600, E780, T319
Nie odpowiadam za konsekwencje ;-)